
A world in one city:

Good site this allforlondon.co.uk!

Almost forgot it´s feeding time.

Menu: Animals and Birds.

Sicily in London??

Yes. Go to "A Little of Everything" and find out where.

Explore London my way on mobile Web

This site is aiming to be one of  the best personal guides about London on the internet.  Combining your curiosity with my knowledge of the worlds greatest city. No ads, no sponsored posts, no paid links.

Welcome !

Visited pages per week on this site: 380. Most visitors (33%) are from the UK!

Latest addition:

I Spy - Big and small in London.

Latest update: Top 10.

Website updated 21st of July 2024.

Celebrating 12 years on the internet!

On each page you will find things to do or see in London. In most cases I have been there myself.  And while you are scrolling down the pages - why not listen to good music in some way or another related to London. 

Bengt Herrman

Walking along the Thames Path between Hammersmith Bridge and Kew Bridge. What a lovely tree!

E-mail Bengt Herrman                

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